We are happy to present the most valued music video and other motion picture content from all around the World.
Museboat TVV Channel is a fan-first destination covering music video, short film, comics, interviews, brand advocacy and other video content that drives conversation and debate.
The TVV channel includes two separate streams:
TVV Live   
and    Musegate Top 20 Chart
Do you have a new music video?
We accept video submissions so don´t hesitate and send us a YouTube video link (in shape with https://...) to any video that you think is worth watching on our TVV by thousands.
Always For FREE
If you are interested in promoting your music video to an increased extent, we suggest you create a short introductory video with the help of a smartphone or camcorder.
In this short video (approx. 1 minute long) you can say “Hi" to all the viewers of the Museboat TV channel by providing a short information about yourself, the region you live in,
and some other interesting facts. Read short FAQ about how to make awesome introductory vide.
After shooting a short video, upload it to your YouTube channel and send us a direct link. We will then place this short video right before your music video in our linear TV stream.
This free opportunity is available only for those who have their own profile on the Youtube channel.
Here is a short tutorial on how to make an attractive short video.
Nominate video for the Musegate Top 20 Chart.
You can submit your video YouTube link in any of the following categories.
If you think that there is some category missing,
let us know.
Art / Culture / Health / Wellness / Shopping / Marketing / Stories / Entertainment / News / Politics / Technet / IT / Livestyle / Real Estates /
Hobby / Hacks / Nature / Environment
We are pleased to announce MuseGate Top 20 Video Chart show on Museboat TVV channel.
MuseGate is a new music video show produced by Museboat Live, which will gradually bring you 20 the best music video from Museboat artists we have found on YouTube.
The Musegate top 20 chart show is 24/7 with a dedicated TV stream, so you don't have to worry about missing any video nomination and best of all, you can vote for any video right from your TV screen.
Information about nominations is displayed in the news feed, which can be hidden or revealed at any time.
Watch the most popular music video in Musegate Top 20 Chart.
Dare to be different. If you are not watching, what are you watching?
To get TVV channel sound ON / OFF, just click on sound icon below the museboat watermark.
You can also use controllers for FULLSCREEN modes, VOTING in the chart and ISSUE FIX.
If the video freezes from any reason, just refresh page in your browser, or move to another wideo by clicking on WARNING icon.
This channel exists because of the support of the public.
We thank you for giving a little back with a donation to continue in free promotion programming that is refreshing, engaging, and helps expand perspectives.
Any level of support is welcome and will be put to good use.
The TVV channel includes two separate streams: TVV Live and Musegate Top 20 Chart.
The TVV channel mainly presents music but also other videos in a 24/7 linear TV stream, including information inputs and announcements.
The Musegate Top 25 Video chart channel presents only the most popular videos on the Museboat TVV channel with the option to vote for any (or all) videos directly from the screen.
You can vote repeatedly and as many times as you want
You can watch any of them right now
If you want to support TVV channel and become one of honorable TVV EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS, please donate.
We will regularly feature our amazing supporters in a separate video spot on the TV channel. Any contribution you make helps us keep our channel alive.
If you feel like being a TV presenter, send us a short personal video introducing any music video from our TV broadcast.
Don't forget to start with a greeting and the name of our channel
Learn Details
We prefer music video only from Featured Artists, Show Executive Producers, Donors, Award Winners and Media Partners who are either the most active in the chatroom
or are releasing new album or single, starting a tour, launching a charity event, a new marketing campaign or having other interesting information for TV viewers.
We accept video vlogs, documentaries as well as other non-musical videos without having to meet the above mentioned conditions.
Artists who are the most active in the chatroom and award-winning artists in our competitions are invited to conduct an interview without the need for prior requests.
As our personnel options in this area are very limited, we apologize in advance for any delays.
Here are relevant links:
Submit Your Video
Submit Your Vlog
Become Show Executive Producer
Become Media Partner
Become Donor
Become Featured Artist
By accepting applications from any of our forms, we do not guarantee their automatic completion. Each application will be assessed separately with an emphasis on the conditions stated by us.
If you are interested in promoting your video to an increased extent, we suggest you create a short introductory video with the help of a smartphone or camcorder.
In this short video (approx. 1 minute long) you can say “Hi" to all the viewers of the Museboat TV channel by providing a short information about yourself, the region you live in,
and some other interesting facts.
After shooting a short video, upload it to your YouTube channel and send us its direct link. We will then place this short video right before your music video in our linear TV stream.
This free opportunity is available only for those who have their own profile on the Youtube channel.
A short introductory video should contain the following basic information:
- ARTIST NAME / VIDEO AUTHOR NAME (The video may change over time and the introductory video will thus become out of date,
therefore, make sure in advance that you are making an intro video for a video that already exists on the Museboat channel.)
- the name of the country or region where the artist comes from or where he most often works.
- a few words about your own music or about the prevailing musical genre
- general determination of the audience to whom the music video is intended
Example content of a short introductory video.
Replace all capitalized content with your own information and shoot it as a whole.
I am happy to present my music on the Museboat TVV channel.
Above mentioned example is voluntary. You can always use your imagination and prepare other engaging content.
Upload yopur video to YOUTUBE CHANNEL and send direct link to the video to our email museboatradio @ gmail.com (Without spaces before and after @ mark).