Contact Us

Contact Us

To contact us in any matter, please, click on Open Contact Form button below. To prevent receiving of unwanted materials (demo tapes, CDs, competition prizes, etc.) we do not disclose our street address. If you want to send us any materials using snail-mail, check the street address request checkbox in the form and we will send you our street address in return.

Open Contact Form

We accept music or promotional materials from artists, brands, listeners and partners in digital form only. Do NOT send us demo tapes, CD´s, contest prizes or other unsolicited material to our street address. To send us music for airplay, visit our music submission page.

Any correspondence not related to direct business or organization relation between you and Museboat Live, its associates or partnering website that has not been agreed in advance sent to our street address will end in the trash without opening.

Become Honourable Donor

All music shows on Museboat Live are produced by vollunteers and exist because of the support of the public.

We thank you for giving a little back with a one-time donation to continue wonderful music and free promotion programming that is refreshing, engaging, and helps expand perspectives. Any level of support is welcome and will be put to good use.



We bring you this show in our broadcasting every Sunday unless otherwise specified.

This show starts at 10pm London, 11pm Berlin, Midnight Athens and Helsinki, 5pm New York ~ 2pm Las Vegas, 6pm Rio de Janeiro, 6am Tokyo and 7am Sydney, unless otherwise specified.

Here you can find out when this show starts in your city or region.

  Become Honourable Donor

All music shows on Museboat Live are produced by vollunteers and exist because of the support of the public.

We thank you for giving a little back with a one-time donation to continue wonderful music and free promotion programming that is refreshing, engaging, and helps expand perspectives. Any level of support is welcome and will be put to good use.
