Send your original music to our email:
Copy required statement below and paste it to the email message body along with your ARTIST NAME and social contacts. Then attach song mp3 audio files**. You can send one song or a whole album for airplay in 24/7 rotation and music shows produced by Museboat

Please, fill in as many links to the message as possible.
The more links you send, the sooner your music is going to be on air in our music shows.
By sending us your music, you confirm that you read and agree to museboat live music submission policy.
* To become FEATURED ARTIST on Museboat just place link or embed code to your official website or social profiles. Then fill in RECIPROCAL URL above (in shape https://...)
** You can use any file transfer service like Wetransfer, Sendspace, Dropbox, Mega etc., to send us more songs for airplay. Just send us download link. We accept mp3 files only. Do not send us mp3 download links with the need of any registration to the service. Download link has to be public one. To identify music submission, please, always use the same email.
*** If you will not paste link to this website page or your stage / artist bio, we will NOT create your Artist Media Promotion Kit (AMPK) on Museboat Live channel. Mind this as a serious matter, please. You need at least one audio public website like Spotify, Reverbnation, Soundcloud or Bandcamp.
museboat .com
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