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Joost The Vanished Dutchman is, as you might have guessed, from The Netherlands. You cannot pronounce his name easily: Juiced? Well it's an anti- artist name lads and gents! He's a musician first. Inspired by the likes of Gino Vannelli, Todd Rundgren, Miles Davis, Boz Scaggs, John Martyn, Sting, Terry Callier, he started out as a drummer before turning his hand to writing. He describes himself as a "zelfbevlekkende, narcistische, selfkickende, obsessieve, uitknijpende liedjesmaker" which loosely translates (I think) as a "self-denigrating, narcissistic, self-flagellating squeezer-out of songs" as freely translated by Tom Robinson. JoosTVD's song "Bomb Won´t Go Off" featured on his BBC6 Radio show in november 2012 as did "Stupid Song(s)" in 2013. Comment " I’m not generally someone who smiles alone but JoosTVD made me do just that with Stupid Song(s). Well done!"

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