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From 1987 to now and from Dayton, OH to Denver, CO, the story of the FEATURED ARTIST DBCB has been written across time and space. David (DB) and Chuck (CB) met in high school while playing in, AFTERMATH, an incredibly loud hard rock band. For 2 years they spent weekend after weekend eating pizza, watching Monty Python and preparing for a lifelong musical journey. After high school DB and CB lost track of each other, but each were making music in different ways and with different bands. DB found success writing and playing guitar in a band called MESH and after college he worked for Gibson Guitars. A band is not the only way to make music and DB started a company creating backing tracks for guitar players. CB continued to play in local bands in the Dayton area and in 2006 started writing original music for a project called Something Picaso. Fast forward to 2020 and more than 30 years after the last time DB and CB made music together. Using the magical powers of the internet and only the positive powers of social media, DB and CB reconnected for a quick fun version of the Judas Priest classic, Breaking The Law. The boys spent the next 2 years rekindling a friendship and having fun creating covers that pay tribute to bands like RUSH and BLACK SABBATH. Late in 2022, the decision was made that DBCB would start creating original music. The first single, THE SECOND KILL, was released everywhere on 1/23/23 signaling the next step in this magnificent musical journey. So if you are here, welcome aboard and stay tuned, you never know what’s next.

by the courtesy of DBCB
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