
Revenue Sharing Program Pre-release Application.

Would you like to earn some extra money?
Join Revenue Sharing Program on Museboat Live for FREE as a Museboat team member
or as an Instore Music Player partner! Earn up to 50% of advertising revenue for impressions
(video, audio, banner, sold shop items) displayed to listeners that visit our pages.

Just fill in the form below. We will get back to you soon. Not a member of our International team yet? Fill in the form and visit our JOIN US page to find out what position you want to occupy.

Your Position *
Your Age *
Company / OrganiSation Name
Company ID
Company Tax Number
Your Name *
Your Middle Name
Your Surname *
Contact E-mail *
Street *
Town *
ZIP/Postal Code *
Country *
Facebook Profile URL *

This information will NOT be made public.

Generate Your Unique Payout Number *


Copy Unique Number

Paste Unique Payment Number here *
PayPal E-mail *

Museboat Interactive is registered Non-Government Organization. Unfortunatelly, foreign non-profit organizations, even when legal, cannot provide all great donors with the tax-deductions for their generous donations. On the other hand, Museboat Interactive internal rules allow to reward donors with another (sometimes even more advantageous) way. This activity can become a solid income opportunity for open minded people:

10% reward from the total donation amount from $10 to $99 (e.g.: $1 from $10 donation)
20% reward from the total donation amount from $100 to $499 (e.g.: $20 from $100 donation)
25% reward from the tota donationl amount from $500 to $4,999 (e.g.: $125 from $500 donation)
30% reward from the total donation amount from $5000 to $99,999 (e.g.: $1,500 from $5000 donation)
35% reward from the total donation amount from $100,000 to $199,999 (e.g.: $35,000 from $100,000 donation)
Terms for a commission from donation over $200,000 are negotiable.

Donor Agents on Museboat Live are not employees or workers having an employment contract. They also are not entitled to the minimum wage, holiday or sick pay, or other statutory employment rights. Museboat Live is not responsible for any donor agent´s tax-related duties or issues.


  referral form sample 
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This is revenue sharing program PRE-RELEASE APPLICATION only. Every future participant will have to read and confirm contract sent to their email address. Museboat Live reserves the right to accept Museboat Live team members to enter the program only. If you are not with Museboat yet, just join our team in any available team position.

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