

You can update brand details like new name, bio, location, opening hours
or new social networks links in this form.

Brand Updates

Fill in ONLY details you want to change.


You can send us files directly to our email or by using any file transfer service.
Be sure to specify artist name in the message.
If you want to send files from here, follow instructions and then finish form.

1. Hit "COPY" button below to copy music submission text body.


2. Click on UPLOAD FILES button below and open WeTransfer dialog box.
3. Start with I agree button in the WeTransfer dialog window.
4. Paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) text body template to the "Message" box.
4. Fill in BRAND NAME.
5. Fill in our email museboatradio @
(without spaces before and after @ mark).
6. Fill in your email and "Add your files".
7. Hit Transfer to send us your files (jpg, mp3, gif, etc.).


We accept the most of known files (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, word, xls, ppt, etc). Do NOT send us files with executable extentions (.exe files).
Name of the file (what is the name you can see in your folder) should always be in this shape: BRAND NAME - Image name.
You can also send us files as an attachment in email to museboatradio @ (without spaces). This option is limited up to 20MB file size.
Use always the same e-mail address.

Disclamier *

By submitting update details I agree that Museboat Live can publish and edit the material and pass it onto others for similar use in any media worldwide, without any payment being due to me.

I declare that I own copyrights or represent copyrights holders for submitting materials to Museboat Live.

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